Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 5th, 2011

Another busy week!  Report cards went home with students Friday, so this week has been a blur making sure everything was filled out correctly since we have new report cards.  It's always a stressful time of year with report cards and parent-teacher conferences all at once, but in the end it will be nice to get it all accomplished and I look forward to having this Friday off to spend more time with Zearley!  After a busy week at school, the weekends do not seem to slow down!  Jordan's gone a lot during football season watching Landan play football at Northwest Missouri State and it's a lot of work to travel with Zearley and it's not the warmest weather for her to sit at football games, so we opt not to travel.  It's nice to just be home, however, it's not the most relaxing, when it's just Zearley and I around the clock!  However, I wouldn't change it for anything, I know I'd have many willing people to help me take care of her so I could get more accomplished or rest, but I would not enjoy my time apart from her!  This week she's been really unhappy about bedtime!  Poor thing, you know she's tired, but she just doesn't want to lay down and relax- so we rock and walk around for about an hour until she finally relaxes and falls asleep!  Tonight I thought she would never give up, and I wonder what tomorrow morning will bring with turning the clocks back...I hope she sleeps well!
This morning she was up early... I think it's hard for her to sleep in when she's used to getting up at 6:30 every morning!  I don't like getting up on the weekend when it's still dark out, but tomorrow that will probably change as turn our clocks back it will be lighter out in the morning (but earlier too, when she gets up I imagine!)  It was so cute as a I captured a cute picture this morning of Zearley looking out the frosty window with Elle & Ezra by her side!  She loves her puppies!  And they are pretty darn tolerable of her too!

Today we didn't have a lot going on, so Zearley took a long fun bath this morning- she played so well in the tub, entertaining herself, while I worked on some conference things.  Then we watched the Iowa game and I got Zearley down for a short nap.  When she woke up, I got her ready and we went to the mall to stop at My Dress Up Shop since Jodi was having a Grand Re-Opening and Karmen was there taking photographs!  I would never miss an opportunity to have Zearley's pictures taken!  I can't wait to see what they turn out like, she was pretty cooperative in the beginning and then she clearly had had enough!
Tonight we went out to dinner with Sara, Jason, & Quinn to Toyko in Waterloo.  It's pretty entertaining to watch them cook the food!  Jason's back for just a few days so it was nice of them to invite us to dinner to spend some time together.  It's so much fun to watch Zearley and Quinn interact!  Zearley went from her biting stage (which she still will do) to learning how to give kisses, and now she's much more likely to be a friendly little girl!  She was giving Quinn all kinds of kisses tonight... I got some adorable pictures, as I tried to catch her being a sweetie pie in action!  They definitely show "Cousinly" love!

Zearley is getting better and better about standing by herself!  She has great balance, but not a lot of interest in trying to take steps on her own...the little stinker!  But once, she starts she'll never stop, so I should be okay with her not being 100% mobile yet, she will be soon enough, and she really gets everywhere crawling that's for sure, and into everything!  So walking can't make things that much more difficult can it!?!?
One event that happened this week that I don't want to forget to journal about happened Wednesday evening after supper.  Zearley often gets pretty messy now as she wants to eat EVERYTHING with her hands, so you can imagine what she looks like after eating!  Therefore, she usually needs a bath after supper.  Well this past Wednesday, she was playing so good in the tub, I wish I had her on video tape talking to herself and splashing around, while I worked on school things and all of a sudden she was about hyperventilating!  She was having a fit because she had pooped in the bathtub and I don't know if she thought it was going to get her or what, but she was done being in that tub!!  She wanted out, and I did too, I couldn't hardly get her out fast enough poor thing!  That was an event I will never forget happening and picturing how she went from giggling/splashing to heavy/fast breathing like "Get me out of here!"
Okay so it's time for me to call it a night!  I have a few things I want to do before I go to bed, and I want to get to bed early!  I'm just glad I'm taking the time to "blog" or journal about my baby girl growing up, because it's happening so fast and I haven't been good about getting a lot down on paper, typing is much easier for me, so eventually I will have to print all my blogs off so I can keep them!
The next time I write, I hope to feel very relieved to have conferences complete!

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